Author Heather Larribas

Jan 24, 20232 min

A Resolution to Get to Know Our Lord on an Intimate Basis

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a good season and were able to share with your loved ones.

Please forgive me as it has taken me some time to write. As you all know, my mother has just passed and the Holidays this year were hard. But, by the grace of God, He is helping me day-by-day as I learn how to enjoy the Holidays in a new way.

Now that 2023 is here, I am sure some of you have made resolutions. If one of your resolutions was getting to know our Lord on an intimate basis then you are off to a grand start!

Have you ever stopped to think about that our loving God allowed His "son" to be crucified? I write son as “son” because God, Jesus and the HOLY SPIRIT are one and are known as the "3 in One".

So essentially when Jesus was being crucified, God was in charge of it all. As a result, I am sure He felt all of the pain, fear, suffering, agony and all emotions that we feel at times in our lives. Jesus even cried out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:33).

Do you at times feel that God has drifted away from you?

I know I have felt this way. In fact, I have felt this way many times. But the truth is, the more we get to know His son and allow Him to walk beside us and guide us, the better each of our lives will be and as a result, we will not feel so alone.

I pray that we will not be as hard on ourselves.

Remember, our Heavenly Father already knows what is unfolding before your eyes this year. Let this be the year that you set your eyes upon Jesus and let Him show you who He is and allow Him to be the center of your life.

If you are still asking the questions "Is God real? Is Jesus real?" The answer is YES.

He is real and He knows what is best for both you and I. He is not far away from you at all.

If this is all new for you, then I want to encourage you to open your heart, your eyes and ears to Him. Make knowing Him a priority for you. Experience His presence as this is a benefit to you!

This year, my resolution is to reach and help as many readers as I can.

On that note, I am excited to finally announce that my third book is well underway of being published! I am eager for my readers to be able to see how God has been leading me. I pray that this book will give each one of you faith to see that God does hear prayers and He answers them according to His plan and for His is glory.

My door is open so please send me an email and allow the Spirit of God be your voice.

Love and light to you always,

Heather Larribas
