Author Heather Larribas

Jan 27, 20232 min

The Voice of Faith: Following God's Path

Coming soon, The Voice of Faith Book Series continues with part 3, The Voice of Faith: Following God's Path.

I am excited to finally announce that my third book is well underway of being published! I am eager for my readers to be able to see how God has been leading me. I pray that this book will give each one of you faith to see that God does hear prayers and He answers them according to His plan and for His is glory.

My door is open so please send me an email and allow the Spirit of God be your voice.

Love and light to you always,

Heather Larribas

The Voice of Faith: Following God's Path by Heather M. Larribas

"Faithfully, Jesus revealed new visions to Heather and promised future circumstances for not only her own life, but for her friends and family, too. Gaining strength from His promises and humbly accepting that God's timing isn't our timing, Heather began boldly following His directions."

After serving Adam with divorce papers, Heather began accepting her altered life without him.

Though, Heather's journey through incredible pain and suffering was far from over.

Within a short time, her trials became so severe that all she could do was to lean on our Savior, Jesus Christ, to get her through each moment.

Still, in pursuit of God’s divine plan for her future, Heather tirelessly walked in faith and desperately listened for His voice to direct her.

Faithfully, Jesus revealed new visions to Heather and promised future circumstances for not only her own life, but for her friends and family, too. Gaining strength from His promises and humbly accepting that God's timing isn't our timing, Heather began boldly following His directions.

This book is a raw account of Heather's relentless pursuit of the Voice of God and the necessary steps He ultimately asked her to take.

As you follow Heather's incredible journey, you will undoubtedly find the comfort needed to keep your faith on your own journey during times of feeling alone or abandoned.

Allow Heathers story to inspire you to know that if you follow God's direction, He will always show you the best plan for your life.

Claiming Jesus Christ as your one and only Savior will supply you with the stamina, the endurance, and the grace you need to walk through the valley of death.

Will you allow Him to show you His love for you? Can you believe Him when He declares His Ways are better than yours?

He is real and is ALWAYS guiding us. Will you step out in childlike faith and trust God when your life feels dark, gloomy, and hopeless?

Learn more about the Voice of Faith book series by clicking here.
