Author Heather Larribas

Feb 23, 20232 min

Discerning God's Voice – Imaginary Friends

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

When you were a child do you ever recall talking to an “imaginary friend”?

My mother used to ask me “Heather who are you talking to?” I must have been about five years old. I vaguely remember it but what I do remember is sitting on my bed cuddled up in blankets and just talking to the air.

Each night as my mother would tuck us in bed, we would say our prayers. After she would leave our rooms, I would lay there wide awake.

It seemed the more I would talk to whoever it was the more I felt comfort; especially nights when I was scared hearing the sound of thunder or feeling like there was a monster under my bed or hearing unfamiliar noises.

If any of you who have children and this sounds familiar please keep encouraging your children to talk to their “imaginary friend”.

Help them to see and to feel their loving Father from above is hovering over them, loving them and guiding his children. Don’t ever make them feel like they are weird or crazy if they share images they see or if they “hear” a voice.

Not all can “hear” the voice of God or “see” the images that others see but I can assure you that your children have been given special gifts from God.

From the time we enter this “earth” God has already a purpose and a divine plan for each one of us. He knows every trial, celebrations that your life will go through.

Having a gift to “hear” or “see” images can be overwhelming especially at young age. Feeling different around other individuals or not feeling normal is a way that God is trying to reveal that you are “special” and have been chosen for a specific reason.

Yes, even at a young age you can “hear” the voice of God. I bet most of you have one time or another heard a “voice” but either ignored it or just thought it wasn’t true.

The LORD called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am you called me.” Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy. So, Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, “Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening. (1 Samuel: 3)

The LORD is always calling upon us. He is asking us to rest in Him and trust Him. He really wants to build a personal relationship with you. Will you be his servant? Will you take the “time” to listen for him?

Take a moment today and get quiet and call upon the LORD to come close to you. Let His spirit join you and let His love and comfort radiate within you.

Please share in the comments below experiences you have had and you will see you are special and that hearing the “voice of GOD” is truly a gift.

Love and light to you always,

Heather Larribas
